We’ve had a new baby in our lives this past year, my beautiful granddaughter, Chloe, and I have noticed how her presence has managed to bring out the child in all of us.
Christmas Eve brought snow and a white Christmas to our home. Throughout the day we peered through the windows to assess snow accumulation and to see if the predicted changeover to rain would occur. With a winter wonderland surrounding us ,we all bundled up after dinner and ventured out in the white stuff. My husband found an old snow saucer out in the garage and attached a long rope to it. Miss Chloe was placed in her transport and we all ran following her as my husband towed her across the snow. Adult laughter rang out with the baby giggles. Even the dogs were running around behind the laughing humans.
Then my daughter decided it was time to make some snow angels. She grabbed Chloe off the snow saucer and showed her the art of creating snow angels. The girls rolled around in the snow while the boys decided to build some snowmen. My son and his dog opted to just run circles in the white fluff. And above all of this chaos, the laughter continued to ring.
Soon the girls joined in the snowman construction and my husband hurried into the house to gather carrots and other accessories for our newly built friends. By the time snow friend number one was completed, Miss Chloe’s little nose was red and cold, so the grandparents decided it was time to head into the house for some hot chocolate. It was about then that my almost thirty-year-old daughter said, “Mommy, we want to stay outside and finish our snowman.” Flashback! My adult daughter was my little girl once again. And the grin on my face was huge!
Hubby and I scooped up our new little bundle of joy and scurried into the house. I put a big pot on the stove for the hot chocolate and husband put a log in the fireplace to start a warm glow. With Miss Chloe in her slippers and toddling around the living room, we waited for our big babies to come inside.
That night, we all sat around the fireplace and laughed and joked about snow days, snowball battles, and winter. We were all young again. We had seen the winter weather’s miracle through a child’s eyes and it was a blast!
I plan this year to continue to look at life through a child’s eyes; to find pleasure in the simplest of things, and to laugh. I invite you to do the same. Happy New Year!
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