This year marks the first time in the past fourteen years that I will not be heading to Florida for a few days of spring training baseball. My son is a huge baseball fan. He always has been. At his urging, we agreed to house some players for the local minor league team back in 1995. Our player housing gig lasted for ten years. During that time, my son befriended a number of professional baseball players. Spring training was our time to see them all in one state at one time.
Each year he would check the team schedules to see who was playing whom and in what stadiums. We would map out our schedule sometimes crisscrossing the state two or three times in one trip. We’d head from Ft. Lauderdale to Ft. Myers and back to Jupiter and then head north to Kissimmee. Some days we would watch two games, some days it was just one. He was able to meet Cal Ripken, Jr,. Mark McGwire and so many other superstars of the game.
There was also our minor league time. Players who had come through Frederick were also included in our spring visits. We’d head to Sarasota to visit with Orioles minor leaguers. After practice, we’d load up the rental car with players and head to a nearby restaurant. I would sit and listen to the boys talk about who was on a hitting streak and who was struggling. They’d talk about the teams to beat in the upcoming season and in the midst of it all would sit my son, grinning ear to ear.
After dinner, we’d sometimes head back to the hotel where I would engross myself in a book. My young son would be off playing video games with the guys in their rooms. On occasion, I would call the other rooms to see if Timmy was being a bother. They’d assure me that he was only a bother because he was beating them! Soon it would be time for lights out and my son would appear at the door to our room. Then he’d share with me about some of the players who had popped in to play or watch. Some would be first round draft picks from other teams, others might be players from our local area. But he would always have a special baseball story to share with me.
One of my favorite parts of our trip was the actual time we spent on the road. I treasured this time because it was just the two of us, mom and son. We’d chat about how things were going at school, who was acting like a jerk or which teachers he liked. Sometimes other sports were topics of conversation. Football was always one of those favorites. We’d plan a day trip to Ravens summer camp. Dreams and goals were often discussed. He’d tell me about colleges he thought he might attend. Sometimes we’d even talk about what he’d be like when he got married. He’d tell me how he wanted to bring his son to spring training.
It seems like just yesterday. Now he’s an adult and out in the real world. Recently we’ve spoken of different dreams—the kind of house he wants to buy, vacation plans. I always looked forward to our spring trips. We’d leave winter for just a few days that would give us a glimpse of the weather to come at home. This year there will be no trip. Active duty Coast Guard officers have other special events that call them. This year’s happened to be Haiti. But I’ll keep track of those games and those statistics and those players for him and I will keep my eye on those spring trainings to come.
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